Sunday, October 6, 2013

Genetically Modified Seeds Theme in Farm Fresh and Fatal

Farm Fresh and Fatal, released October 1, takes up the hot button issue in farming today, of genetically modified seeds.  We’re still learning what this GMO produce does to human beings, but I knew when I wrote the novel that the seeds were modified so that herbicides like Roundup could be sprayed on the crop without harming the plant.  I used humor in the novel to discuss the baseball hard tomatoes that are best, though still hard, three weeks after they’re picked, but new research also shows that the seeds engineered to kill insects, by making their stomachs leak, can affect us that way, too, and set off allergies.  I don't know if you've noticed the dead weeds and small trees along our roadsides near electric wires, but that's what Roundup does.  Monsanto, which produces Roundup, works at all levels of government to pass legislation to protect GMO seeds and its herbicides like Roundup.  90% of farmers in North Carolina are using GMO seeds in crops like soy, wheat, corn, rape (canola), and sugar beets.  Activists are asking that GMO produce in the grocery store be labeled. 

Reasonable.  Organic is your safest choice.  Buy it or grow it.  Be healthy.

I began using organic feed for my new flock of hens in 2013, though it costs more.  This is the best flock I've ever had.  They lay well, and out of the original 16 I kept, I still have 15.  Commercial animal feeds also are grown with GMO seeds and Roundup.  These hens also seem more intelligent!  So far I sell all the eggs easily, and they make wonderful egg custard.  


Basic info for Farm Fresh and Fatal, $15.95:  
Paperback ISBN: 978-0-9895804-0-3 
Ebook ISBN: 978-0-9895804-1-0   $2.99.

For Beaver Soul, $12.00:
Paperback:  ISBN: 978-1-62229-324-7


Upcoming Readings, Events, and Guest Blogs for Farm Fresh and Fatal and Beaver Soul.  

Let me ask you, when possible, to support the local bookstores where I'll be reading.  I'd love to see you, and independent bookstores need your support to keep doing their good work. Flyleaf, Regulator, Paperbacks Plus! and McIntyre's.  See below for dates and times!


October 1, 2013.  Day of publication and pre-sales mailed for Farm Fresh and Fatal and Beaver Soul.

October 11, 2013. 7-9 P.M. Friday. Reading with other Creative Writing Instructors at CCCC (past and present) at the Chatham Community Library, off Highway 87, just north of business 64 and 87 intersection in Pittsboro. 

October 20, Sunday, 5-7 P.M.  Launch both books at Hoganvillaea Farm, Moncure.  Potluck.

October 24, Thursday, 3:30-6 P.M.  Pittsboro Farmers’ Market at Fairgrounds.  Sell and sign books.

October 26, Saturday, 2 PM.  Flyleaf Books, Chapel Hill.

November 2, Saturday, 11 AM-1 PM.  Paperbacks Plus, Siler City.  Signing.

November 8, Friday, 6 PM.  Jackie Helvey’s radio show video-taped interview on community radio and TV--WCOM, Carrboro.  I will send the link afterwards. 

November 12, Tuesday, 7 PM, Goldsboro Library, Goldsboro, NC.

November 19, Tuesday, 7 PM.  Regulator Bookshop, 720 W. Ninth St., Durham.

December 1-31.  Display of Beaver Soul, Farm Fresh and Fatal, and Killer Frost at my Capital Bank, on the circle in Pittsboro.  With bookmarks and cards.

December 3, Tuesday, 7 PM.  South Regional Branch of Durham County Library.

December 8, Sunday, 2 PM.  McIntyre’s Books in Fearrington Village, Chatham


June 17, Monday.  A Real Writer? and

August 13, Tuesday. Cheap Healthy Brownies w/connection to Penny Weaver’s cooking and the PMZ Poor Woman’s Cookbook. Janet Rudolph’s blog cross posting with her mystery blog

September 7-13.  Killer Frost cover displayed in rotation with other books from Sisters in Crime members.  October 1-6, cover of Farm Fresh and Fatal displayed.  Home page, toward the bottom, of

October 1, Tuesday. Jenny Milchman’s blog on my “Made It” moment with this book. 

October 5, Saturday, Salad Day.  Why I Prefer Small Presses.

October 5, Saturday.  Book Buzz feature on North Carolina Writers’ Network (

October 7, Monday.  From Experience to Mystery.

October 9, Wednesday.  Interview by Janet Buck on her blog:

October 14, Monday.  Why I Write About Social Issues.


Judy with hen, summer of 2013, photo by Mark Schmerling.

1 comment:

  1. Another problem with genetically modified seeds is that it creates a mono-culture so if they end up with being a problem, farmers don't have the tried and true old varieties. Fortunately, there are people and businesses - Pine Tree Gardens, is one, who save and sell the Heirloom seeds. Pine Tree sells the other kinds, too, but has a nice selection of Heirloom varieties, also. As for Round-up, the only time I use it is on invasive patches of poison ivy because I'm terribly allergic to it. If it's only one or two sprouts, I put my hand in a plastic bread bag or newspaper sleeve and pull it and then carefully turn the bag inside out and discard it into the garbage.
