Sunday, June 19, 2022

The Twelfth Poem

Lyuba Belikh Being Honored at her exhibit in Kostroma, Russia. 

She's in the middle behind the speaker.

The Twelfth Poem June 19, 2022

My sleep pattern varies. I eat when I

can’t sleep. Yet when I read, I fall

asleep. My body has its own rhythm.

I try to keep up. It’s not painful, but

it remains unexpected. Once I’ve eaten,

I enjoy being awake, and sometimes I

stay awake on purpose. Why not? I

told that to the lady who interviewed me.

She couldn’t believe her ears.. I repeated:

I eat when I can’t sleep. Let her wonder.

I don’t weigh much. Maybe it helps keep

my weight steady. It’s a curious phase

of my life: Hardly any pain, but less

control. Still I think, I write. I make

meals, even quiche. and my own organic

bread,, yoghurt, and my lemon ginger

tea. Small pains, but nothing major.

I could live more years like this.

Who knows?

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