Sunday, September 12, 2021

Being Wise Thirty-Two

Judy by her sister Margie, August 2021 in computer chair

Being Wise Thirty-Two September 12, 2021

I keep falling asleep when I’m

trying to work, or not sleeping 

when I want to. So I keep midnight

hours and make more typos. It’s

my brain refusing me the competence

I’ve always had until now. My

helpers hold my hand tight, carry

heavy things for me. My students

still want me to teach them. I tell them

if I make a mistake, tell me. My mind

is less under my control. It has its

own agenda, its own time-table, its own

rebellions. The creeping green leaves 

curled around my computer, live, but

there are dead leaves, too, when they

lose the sun. We all need sun and

patience, not to mention persistence.

Keep reading even if I do fall asleep.

People love you, even your doctor,

who worries. She knows too much,

and it scares her. Too many youngsters

are sick with this Covid. But she worries

over an eighty-four-year old woman,

and my favorite physical therapist

praises me and eggs me on. She sees

through me and believes in my mastery

of walking. I practice “left foot, heel

first.”The cane comes down when

the left heel does. I still have a ways

to go. Hang on.


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